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Basic Theoretical Research in the Mathematical & Natural Sciences 



December 9, 2024

New Paper: Inference of non-exponential kinetics through stochastic resetting

We present an inference scheme of long timescale, non-exponential kinetics from molecular dynamics simulations accelerated by stochastic resetting. We show that resetting promotes enhanced sampling of the first-passage time distribution at short timescales but often also provides sufficient information to estimate the long-time asymptotics, which allows the kinetics inference. 


September 19, 2024

New Paper: Continuous gated first-passage processes

Gated first-passage processes, where completion depends on both hitting a target and satisfying additional constraints, are prevalent across various fields. Despite their significance, analytical solutions to basic problems remain unknown, e.g. the detection time of a diffusing particle by a gated interval, disk, or sphere. We elucidate the challenges posed by continuous gated first-passage processes and present a renewal framework to overcome them.

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June 2,  2024

Congratulations to Bara Levit! 

Congratulations to Bara Levit for winning the prestigious Colton Ph.D. Scholarship

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November 28, 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Yuval Scher!

Congratulations to Dr. Yuval Scher for winning the 2024 Israel Chemical Society, Uri Golik Prize for an Excellent Graduate Student! The prize was awarded for pioneering contributions to chemical kinetics, single-molecule chemistry, and adsorption-desorption dynamics.


August 2, 2024

New Paper: Sokoban percolation on the Bethe lattice

'With persistence, a drop of water hollows out the stone' goes the ancient Greek proverb. Yet, canonical percolation models do not account for interactions between a moving tracer and its environment. Recently, we have introduced the Sokoban model, which differs from this convention by allowing a tracer to push single obstacles that block its path. To test how this newfound ability affects percolation, we present an exact solution of the Sokoban model on the Bethe lattice. 


May 8, 2024

New Paper: Escape from textured adsorbing surfaces

The escape dynamics of sticky particles from textured surfaces is poorly understood despite its importance to various scientific and technological domains. We address this challenge by providing first analytical expressions for the escape time of adsorbates from prevalent surface topographies, including holes/pits, pillars, and grooves. 


October 1, 2024

Congratulations to Ofek Lauber Bonomo!

Congratulations to Ofek Lauber Bonomo for winning the Emanuel Peled scholarship for excellent Ph.D. students. 


June 6, 2024

New Paper: Environmental memory facilitates search with home returns

We study the motion of a self-propelled bristle robot that moves randomly within an arena filled with obstacles. We show that trails created by the robot give rise to a form of environmental memory that facilitates search with home returns by increasing the effective diffusion coefficient of the robot. Numerical simulations and theoretical estimates designed to capture the essential physics of the experiment support our conclusions and indicate that these are not limited to the particular system studied herein.


April 26, 2024

New Paper: Short-time infrequent metadynamics for improved kinetics inference

Infrequent Metadynamics is a popular method to obtain the rates of long time-scale processes from accelerated molecular dynamics simulations. We propose to improve kinetics inference in this method by focusing on short time scales. We demonstrate the new inference scheme for a model system and two molecular systems. We show an improved trade-off between speedup and accuracy at no additional computational cost, especially when employing suboptimal collective variables.

Reuveni Group | Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel | Phone: +972-3-640-8694 | Email: 

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